
Сколько постов и историй мы должны публиковать ежедневно?

 Сколько постов и историй мы должны размещать в Instagram ежедневно? Это вопрос, который сегодня задают себе многие пользователи Instagram. Как известно, ограничений на размещение и хранение на странице Instagram нет. Но поскольку многие страницы предназначены для бизнеса, некоторые пользователи спрашивают нас, как планирование публикации сообщений и историй может положительно повлиять на их бизнес. Фактически, в популярном режиме они спрашивают меня, сколько сообщений я должен опубликовать, количество моих подписчиков увеличится, и они даже спрашивают меня, сколько сообщений я должен публиковать ежедневно, чтобы пользователь не подписывался на меня и все еще хотел подписаться на мою страницу . Позвольте мне сразу сказать вам, что не существует волшебного числа для количества сообщений и историй в день. Все мы знаем, что в каждой работе аудитория, с которой мы взаимодействуем, разная. Это делает это число разным в зависимости от цели и тематики вашей страницы. В продолжении статьи ...

Generate content for Telegram and 7 Golden Tips

 Generate content for Telegram The Telegram program has made a lot of noise these days. In a way that you can easily earn money from a simple program. Making money from telegrams may be fun, but it requires careful consideration. One of the ways in which families make a living is through telegram sales.  First we need to have a channel with a lot of visitors in order to be successful. The second thing to attract the audience is to have the right and principled content. If you only offer products, but do not specialize in content production, your business will no doubt fail. In this article, we try to guide you with effective tips on producing content for Telegram for a golden success. Join us so that the key points in this way are yours. Golden Tips for Content Production for Telegram Here are the tips you need to achieve useful content production in a categorized and headline-like manner. Create a channel Permanent membership Generate new content The right time to publish con...

The most visited Instagram hashtags

You should never underestimate the importance of using hashtags. When you use popular Instagram hashtags in your posts, it will cause your posts to appear in the Instagram hashtags section as soon as possible. In this case, different users will see your post as well as your page, and this will cause the user to interact with you. In this way, Instagram understands that your content is a quality content due to attracting users and causes your post to always be high in the Instagram search section. In this way, when you search for a hashtag, your post will be in the beginning of the searched hashtags. Now, the more popular these hashtags are used, the more colorful they will be in increasing the number of visitors to your page. Instagram users who are interested in a particular topic are more likely to search for hashtags related to that topic as well. In this way, using high-traffic Instagram hashtags with good content gives you the opportunity to show your posts to an audience that is ...

10 steps to promote the product on Instagram 2020

 Advertising a product on Instagram is very important, we will discuss it below. I have good products, I have a site with high SEO, I do a lot of advertising on large sites and in cyberspace, including Instagram, but I do not have good sales. These can be the words of most store site admins or even cyberspace admins, including Instagram, who want to sell their products on the Internet but are not very successful. In this article, we are going to tell you ways to increase sales and increase advertising productivity. So join us. Selling products, especially on the Internet, is a time-consuming process. You need to design a site first and then increase the SEO (credibility) of your site (with the available solutions), then maximize your site traffic and by doing this, your sales will definitely increase, but the main issue is this. That you have the ability to convert how many visitors into customers. Turning a visitor into a customer lies in your power of expression. Whatever site yo...